Publications | Self-Defining Memories Research Web-Source
The Self-Defining Memories Research Web-Source

Jefferson A. Singer, Ph.D.
Connecticut College

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[PDF]    Akhtar, S., Conway, M. A., Justice, L. V., & Morrison, C. M. ​(2024). In my life: Memory, self and The                               Beatles. Memory, 32(3), 296-307.

[PDF]    Cárdenas-Egúsquiza, A. L., Seli, P., & Berntsen, D. (2024). Associations between autobiographical                                   memory and dreaming: An individual-differences approach. Dreaming.                                                                

[PDF]    Chiorri, C., & Vannucci, M. (2024). The subjective experience of autobiographical remembering:                                       Conceptual and methodological advances and challenges. Journal of Intelligence, 12(2).                                   

[PDF]    Cuervo-Lombard, C., Fritsch, A., & Voltzenlogel, V. (2024). Self-defining memories in older adults:                                 Distribution across lifespan and characteristics of the reminiscence bump. Archives of Gerontology and                       Geriatrics Plus, 1(3).

[PDF]    Hallford, D., Woolfit, M., Follett, A., Jones, E., Harrison, O., & Austin, D. (2024). Guided recall of positive                       autobiographical memories increases anticipated pleasure and psychological resources, and reduces                           depressive symptoms: A replication and extension of a randomised controlled trial of brief positive                             cognitive-reminiscence therapy. Memory, 32(4), 465-475.                                                                                     

[PDF]    Hards, E., Rathbone, C. J., Ellis, J. A., & Reynolds, S. (2024). 'What is the self anyway?' towards a more                           parsimonious conceptualization of the self: A review. New Ideas in Psychology, 74.                                             

[PDF]    Hepper, E. G., Sedikides, C., Wildschut, T., Cheung, W. Y., Abakoumkin, G., Arikan, G., Aveyard, M.,                               Baldursson, E. B., ​Bialobrzeska, O., Bouamama, S., Bouzaouech, I., Brambilla, M., Burger, A. M.,                             Chen., S. X., Cisek, S., Demassosso, D., Estevan-Reina, L., Gutiérrez, R. G., Gu, L., . . . Zengel, B.                             (2024). Pancultural nostalgia in action: Prevalence, triggers, and psychological functions of nostalgia                         across cultures. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 153(3), 754-778.                                                 

[PDF]   Hernandez, D. A., Griffith, C. X., Deffner, A. M., Nkulu, H., Hovhannisyan, M., Ruiz, J. M.,                                              Andrews-Hanna, J. R., & Grilli, M. D. (2024). Retrieving autobiographical memories in                                              autobiographical contexts: Are age-related differences in narrated episodic specificity present outside                          of the laboratory? Psychological Research.

[PDF]    King, C. I., Panjwani, A. A., & St. Jacques, P. L. (2024). When having photographs of events influences the                       visual perspective of autobiographical memories. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 38(1), 1-15.                             

[PDF]    Lucia, S., & Ornella, M. (2024). The importance of mental functions and autobiographical memory in the                         development of identity and life story in adolescence: Their role in preventing identity diffusion,                                 aggressiveness and depression among adolescents. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 1(3),                         1-18.

[PDF]    Mair, A., Poirier, M., & Conway, M. A. (2024). Nonepisodic autobiographical memory details reflect                                 attempts to tell a good story. Psychology and Aging.

[PDF]    Margulis, E. H., & Jakubowski, K. (2024). Music, memory, and imagination. Current Directions in                                   Psychological Science, 33(2), 108-113.

[PDF]    Mehl, K., Reschke-Hernandez, A. E., Hanson, J., Linhardt, L., Frame, J., Dew, M., Kickbusch, E., Johnson,                       C., Bai, E., & Belfi, A. M. (2024). Music-evoked autobiographical memories are associated with                                 negative affect in younger and older adults. Experimental Aging Research.                                                           

[PDF]    Mitroiu, S., & Gradinaru, C. (2024). The autobiographical archive in post-communist Romania: "True"                             heroes and collective victimization. Memory Studies, 17(2), 317-331.                                                                   

[PDF]    Talbot, J., Convertino, G., De Marco, M., Venneri, A., & Mazzoni, G. (2024). Highly superior                                             autobiographical memory (HSAM): A systematic review. Neuropsychology Review.                                           

[PDF]    Wolf, T., & Nusser, L. (2024). How remembering positive and negative events affects intimacy in romantic                       relationships. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships.                                                                                 


[PDF]    Aguilar-Córcoles, M., Navarro-Bravo, B., Esparcia-Moreno, M., Latorre-Postigo, J., & Ricarte-Trives, J.                           (2023). Phenomenological variables of autobiographical memory narratives associated with healthy                           habits in children. Annals of Psychology, 39(1), 145-152.

[PDF]    Barzykowski, K., & Moulin, C. J. A. (2023). Are involuntary autobiographical memory and déjà vu natural                       products of memory retrieval? Behavioral and Brain Sciences46, 1-67.                                                             

[PDF]    Beike, D. R., Cole, H. E., & Merrick, C. R. (2023). Specific autobiographical memories are a resource for                         identity strength among mature but not emerging adults.​ Memory, 31(10), 1437-1458.

[PDF]    Biondolillo, M. J., Curry, D. C., Savar, K., & Epstein, L. H. (2023). Back to the future: Self-defining                                 memory recall amplifies effects of episodic future thinking on delay discounting. Motivation and                                 Emotion, 47, 679-690.

[PDF]    Blagov, P. S., Singer, J. A., Oost, K. M., Bergey, A., Dolence, X. A., Duvall, A. M., Hermann, B., Kantor,                           R. E., Liponis, O., O'Neal, K., Rubino, M., Storm, E., Yu, M., & Goodman, J. A. (2023). Expression                           and detection of triarchic psychopathy traits in the self-defining memories of U.S. undergraduates.                             Personality and Individual Differences, 214.

[PDF]    Bulteau, S., Malo, R., Holland, Z., Laurin, A., & Sauvaget, A. (2023). The update of self-identity:                                       Importance of assessing autobiographical memory in major depressive disorder. WIREs Cognitive        
                     Science, 14(3).

​[PDF]    Cook, O. K., Coffman, J. L., & Ornstein, P. A. (2023). The development of children's autobiographical and                       deliberate memory through mother-child reminiscing. Journal of Cognition and Development. 

[PDF]    Cowan, H. R., McAdams, D. P., Ouellet, L., Jones, C. M., & Mittal, V. A. (2023). Self-concept and                                     narrative identity in youth at clinical high risk for psychosis. Schizophrenia Bulletin.                                          

[PDF]    D'Argembeau, A. & Jimenez, C. G. (2023). Effects of past and future autobiographical thinking on the                               working self-concept. Memory. 

[PDF]    Degouis, F., Pham, T., Saloppé, X., Gandolphe, M., Lavallée, A., Ott, L., Darsonville, A., & Nandrino, J.                           (2023). How do people with antisocial personality disorder with or without psychopathic personality                           disorder activate and regulate emotions? Neurovegetative responses during an autobiographical task. 
                     Journal of Experimental Psychology, 14(4), 1-15.

[PDF]    Duff, N., Salmon, K., & Macaskill, A. (2023). An experimental approach: Investigating the directive                                 function of autobiographical memory. Memory & Cognition. 

[PDF]    Fritsch, A., Voltzenlogel, V., & Cuervo-Lombard, C. (2023). A cross-sectional study using self-defining                              memories to explore personal identity through adulthood. Developmental Psychology, 60(2), 363-375.              

[PDF]    Fritsch, A., Voltzenlogel, V., & Cuervo-Lombard, C. (2023). Exploring characteristics of self-defining                               memories in older adults. The International Journal of Aging and Human Development. 

[PDF]    Fritsch, A., Voltzenlogel, V., & Cuervo-Lombard, C. (2023). Self-defining future projections throughout      
                     adulthood. Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 42(4).                 

[PDF]    Gerstenberg, A., & Hamilton, H. E. (2023). Older adults' conversations and the emergence of "narrative                              crystals": A new approach to frequently told stories. Narrative Inquiry, 33(1), 27-60.                                          

[PDF]    Herold, C. J., Duval, C. Z., & Schröder, J. (2023). Autobiographical memory in chronic schizophrenia: A                           follow-up study. Neuropsychologia, 191, 1-8.

[PDF]    Järdmo, C., Eriksson, P. L., Malm, I., McLean, K. C., & Frisén, A. (2023). Creating something new from 
                     past experiences-The meaning of change in repeated narratives. Journal of Personality.

[PDF]    Kangaslampi, S. (2023) Earliest versus other autobiographical memories of school-age children. Current 

[PDF]    King, M. J., Courtenay, K., Christensen, B. K., Benjamin, A. S., & Girard, T. A. (2023). Lower memory 
                       specificity in individuals with dysphoria is not specific to autobiographical memory. Journal of 
                      Affective Disorders325, 542-549.

[PDF]    Lathan, A., & Dritschel, B. (2023). Increasing autobiographical specificity: Using kindness meditation to                            impact features of memory retrieval. PLoS ONE, 18(6), 1-25.                                                                                 

[PDF]    Lau-Zhu, A., Williams, F., & Steel, C. (2023). Attachment patterns and autobiographical episodic memory 
                      functioning: A systemic review of adult studies to advance clinical psychological science. Clinical 
                      Psychology Review, 101, 102254.

[PDF]    Mace, J. H. (2023). Priming in the autobiographical memory system: Implications and future directions.                           Memory.

[PDF]    Martino, M. L., Lemmo, D., Moylan, J., Stevenson, C., Bonalume, L., Freda, M. F., & Singer, J. A. (2023). 
                     The role and function of autobiographical memory narratives during the emotional processing of breast 
                     cancer treatment: An empirically-derived memory coding system. International Journal of 
                     Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(2), 1492. htts://

[PDF]    McCarty, D. L., Christian, D. D., & Henderson, R. R. (2023). The usefulness of tattoo narratives for                                   expressing life-story constructs. Journal of Constructivist Psychology.                                                                 

[PDF]    Moulin, C. J. A., Singer, J., Barnier, A., Loveday, C. (2023). Martin Conway (1952-2022). Journal of                                 Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 12(2), 305-306. 

[PDF]    Opriș, A. M., Visu-Petra, L., & Brown, N. R. (2023). Living in history and by the cultural life script: What                       events modulate autobiographical memory organization in a sample of older adults from Romania?                             Memory Studies, 16(4), 912-927.

[PDF]    Ridout, N., Dritschel, B., Morjaria, M., & Yankey, C. (2023). The influence of induced dysphoria on                                 autobiographical memory specificity and social problem solving: Examining the role of executive                               function. Behavior Research and Therapy, 169.

[PDF]    Rubin, D. C. & Bell, C. F. (2023). Using shame to extend Martin Conway's self-memory system. Memory,                       1-12.

[PDF]    Schacter, D. L., Greene, C. M., & Murphy, G. (2023). Bias and constructive processes in a self-memory                             system. Memory, 1-10.

[PDF]    Shepardson, S., Dahlgren, K., & Hamann, S. (2023). Neural correlates of autobiographical memory                                   retrieval: An SDM neuroimaging analysis. Cortex, 166, 59-79.                                                                             

[PDF]    Therriault, C., Bernard-Desrosiers, L., & Philippe, F. L. (2023). Integration of sexual and relational mental                       representations in autobiographical memories is associated with sexual well-being. PsyArXiv. 

[PDF]    Turner, K., Lilgendahl, J. P., Syed, M., & McLean, K. C. (2023). Testing exploratory narrative processing                         as a mechanism of change in identity status processes over 4 years in college-going emerging adults.                           Developmental Psychology.

[PDF]    van Houtum, L. A. E. M., van Schie, C. C., Wever, M. C. M., Janssen, L. H. C., Wentholt, W. G. M.,                                 Tailby, C., Grenyer, B. F. S., Will, G., Tollenaar, M. S., & Elzinga, B. M. (2023). Aberrant neural                                 network activation during reliving of autobiographical memories in adolescent depression. Cortex,                             168, 14-26.

[PDF]    Watarai, M., Hagiwara, K., Mochizuki, Y., Chen, C., Mizumoto, T., Kawashima, C., Koga, T., Okabe, E., &                       Nakagawa, S. (2023). Toward a computational understanding of how reminiscing about positive                                 autobiographical memories influences decision-making under risk. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral                       Neuroscience. 


[PDF]    Bluck, S., Mroz, E. L., Cogdill-Richardson, K., McDarby, M., & Carpenter, B. (2022). Even the good life 
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[PDF]    Booker, J. A. (2022). Healthy ways of relating to past, present, and future self: Narrated growth and self-
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[Link]    Brown N. R. (2022). Autobiographical memory and the self: A transition theory perspective. 
                       WIREs Cognitive Science13(6), e1621.

[PDF]    Company-Fernández, A., Taracón, P., Cruz, A. R., Griffith, J. W., Ricarte, J. J., & Barry, T. (2022).                                      Indicators of criminal justification of repentance in a qualitative analysis of inmates autobiographical                          criminal self-narratives. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 37(3-4), 1811-1834.                                                   

[PDF]    Cuervo-Lombard, C., Raucher-Chéné D., Van der Linden, M., & Voltzenlogel, V. (2022).
                       Characteristics of self-defining memories in middle-aged and older adults. Current Aging Science,                             14, 39-45.

[PDF]    Dawes, A. J., Keogh, R., Robuck, S., & Pearson, J. (2022). Memories with a blind mind: Remembering the                         past and imagining the future with aphantasia. Cognition227, e105192.    

[PDF]    Degouis, F., Saloppé, X., Gandolphe, M., Nandrino, J., & Pham, T. H. (2022). Importance de la mémoire                             autobiographique chez les patients antisociaux. Annales Médico-Psychologiques Revue              
                       Psychiatrique180(3), 269-271.

[PDF]    Delvaux, V., Lavallée, A., Degouis, F., Saloppé, X., Pham, T., & Nandrino, J. (2022). Telling self-defining                           memories: An acoustic study of natural emotional speech productions. Interspeech, 1337-1341. 

[PDF]    Dunlop, W. L. (2022). The cycle of life and story: Redemptive autobiographical narratives and prosocial 
                       behaviors. Current Opinion in Psychology43, 213-218.

[PDF]    Dunlop, W. L., Westberg, D. W., Lee, D., & Harake, N. R. (2022). On rhetoric and ratings: II. Requesting 
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[PDF]    El Haj, M., Janssen, S. M. J., Lenoble, Q., Robin, F., & Gallouj, K. (2022). The eyes of the past: Larger 
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[PDF]    El Haj, M., Lenoble, Q. & Moustafa, A.A. (2022). The pupil and myself: Pupil dilation during retrieval of 
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[PDF]    Gayler, T., Sas, C., & Kalnikaite, V. (2022). “It took me back 25 years in one bound”: Self-generated flavor-
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[PDF]    Grilli, M. D., & Sheldon, S. (2022). Autobiographical event memory and aging: Older adults get the gist.                             Trends in Cognitive Sciences26(12), 1079-1089.

[Link]    Gupta, K., Chan, S. W. T., Yun, S. P., Strachan, N., Su, J., Sumich, A., Nanayakkara S., & Billinghurst, M. 
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[PDF]    Hashimoto, J., Kanayama, N., Miyatani, M., , & Nakao, T. (2022). The mood repair effect of positive 
                       involuntary autobiographical memory among Japanese adults: An experimental study. SAGE Journal

[PDF]    Heersmink, R. (2022). Preserving narrative identity for dementia patients: Embodiment, active 
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[PDF]    Herold, J. C., Lasser, M. M., &Schroder, J. (2022) Autobiograohical memory impairment in chronic 
                       schizophrenia: Significance and clinical correlates. Journal of Neuropsychology16(3).  

[PDF]    Heux, L., Rathbone, C., Gensburger, S., Clifford, R., & Souchay, C. (2022). Collective memory and 
                       autobiographical memory: Perspectives from the humanities and cognitive sciences. WIREs      
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[PDF]    Hitchcock, C., Rudokaite, J., Haag, C., Patel, S. D., Smith, A. J., Kuhn, I., Jermann, F., Ma, S. H., Kuyken, 
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                       Autobiographical memory style and clinical outcomes following mindfulness-based cognitive therapy 
                       (MBCT): An individual patient data meta-analysis. Behaviour Research and Therapy15(1) e104048. 

[PDF]    Hutmacher, F., & Morgenroth, K. (2022). The beginning of the life story: The meaning of the earliest 
                       autobiographical memory from an adult perspective. Applied Cognitive Psychology36(3), 612– 

[PDF]    John, J. E., Vierra, K. D., & Robnett, R. D. (2022). “I have cried in almost all of my math classes.” 
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[PDF]    Kaiser, A. P., & Berntsen, D. (2022). The cognitive characteristics of music-evoked autobiographical 
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[PDF]    Lavallee, A., Pham T. H., Gandolphe M. C., Saloppé, X., Ott, L., & Nandrino, J. L. (2022) Monitoring the 
                       emotional facial reactions of individuals with antisocial personality disorder during the retrieval of                             self-defining memories. PLOS ONE17(6) e0268818.

[Link]    Martins-Klein, B., Orlovsky, I., & Heideman K. (2022). Remembering past challenges to feel better today: 
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                       Neuropsychology, and Cognition29(3), 367-374. 

[PDF]    Masumoto, K., Sato, K., Harada, K., Yamamoto, K., & Shiozaki, M. (2022). Emotional valence of self-
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"How small the cosmos (a kangaroo's pouch would hold it), how paltry and puny in comparison to human consciousness, to a single recollection, and its expression in words." Vladimir Nabokov, Speak, Memory
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